The Learning in Neural Circuits Lab
Welcome to the Learning in Neural Circuits Lab website!
We are a McGill University research laboratory in Montréal, located at Mila, and affiliated with The Neuro.
We study general principles of learning and memory in neural networks, with the ultimate goal of understanding how real and artificial brains can optimise behaviour.
We are motivated by a fascination with memory and the incredible general purpose learning power of the brain – a power still unmatched by any artificial intelligence systems.
Please take a look at our current research projects and publications to learn more about our work, or visit our team page to learn more about the people in the lab.
LiNC Lab News
Congratulations Arna Ghosh !!!
Congratulations to Arna whom has successfully defended his thesis !
This marks a significant milestone in his academic journey, and we couldn't be prouder of his hard work and dedication.